Watching TV? Start Talking!
/Although I am a proponent of very limited screen-time (meaning TV, computer, iPad/tablet, video games, phones), the reality is that most families do watch TV together. Is this a bad thing? Not at all! You can turn this passive, relaxing time into an interactive language facilitating activity. As you watch TV with your child, ask them questions. Ask “Do you think he is angry? Why? Do you think he is surprised? What happened? What did the dad do? What do you think will happen?” By asking questions you check comprehension, allow opportunities for predictions, and provide opportunities for conversation. By talking about what already happened, what is currently happening, and what may happen in the future, you will be providing opportunities to target past, present, and future tense. With DVR, Netflix, and all of the other programs that exist, you can pause the show and make time for discussion. Grab the remote and popcorn, it’s time for tv and talk!